About us
About us

Handmade expressions
of natural beauty

I have always loved beauty…to be sorrounded by harmonious, pretty soothing environments. 


In spite of my academic background in Clinical Psychology, and the sciences, an artistic vein has always been present in my life and a love and admiration for nature and its wisdom.


What I did not know earlier , is that I would end up relating to the flowers and nature that I dearly love in such a meditative, healing, caring manner. Flower design, teaching and farming have become my second career later in life the aftermath of life´s unpredictable growing pains.


For years I did flowers as a hobby ,complementing my teaching in Psychology and my patients. It was my quiet place to disconnect.


In 2009 I lost my husband suddenly and unexpectedly, and my life totally changed, needing some years to rebalance and heal. Life propels you in unexpected directions sometimes, and it was my time to grow and evolve.

A few years after, having decided that I would not continue practicing Psychology, I had the energy to start something new. After meeting the right people at the proper moment, and being well coached to try new ventures, I started Baobab Flower Design, a bussiness that fills me with joy and passion.

Baobab started as a small venture to offer services in flower design for boutique, exclusive events in Panama. My original enjoyment in being sorrounded by

beautiful environments pushed me to offer to clients the idea of staging, creating an ambience that would evoque an unforgettable experience for the guests at smaller chic events.


I travelled to learn and train with admired floral designers and farmers in the US, Mexico and Europe , trying to find my own voice and style in flowering. A lot to be experienced and discovered in these trips!!! Meeting a great community of flower lovers and zealous flower farmers, led me into teaching (my other passion in life). And eventually into farming, not surprising , because I grew up in contact with the soil , nature, and flowers, in our family bussiness in the highlands of Panama.


I feel very lucky to have had this opportunity to merge all of these passions in Baobab, and to be able to train and search for my own voice, flower design

rooted in love.


I am finally an artist expressing what I feel through flowers, recovering and healing along the way… and I love what I do!